
West Anthem Booster Pump Station Upgrades

The West Anthem Booster Pump Station (BPS) Upgrades played a critical role in ensuring a sufficient supply of drinking water for the growing population in West Anthem. The project primarily involved the replacement of booster pumps and electrical equipment, as well as the transition from EPCOR’s 80 PSI supply line to a newly installed lower-pressure 30-35 PSI supply line by the City of Phoenix. By expanding the infrastructure, the project not only addressed concerns related to aging infrastructure but also enabled the utilization of a new water source with greater volume and lower pressure, eliminating the need for COP to purchase water from EPCOR in the area. The project scope encompassed various components such as underground ductile pipes, hot taps, conduits, foundations, booster pumps, control valves, and above-ground steel pipes. The entire electrical system, from the APS transformer to RTU control upgrades, was also upgraded.

  • Owner: City of Phoenix
  • Delivery Method: JOC
  • Contract Amount: $4M
  • Completion Date: February 2023